Market & Business Consultancy
The latest changes in the defence market paradigms in Turkey
stipulates very high local content in every acquisition program.
Hence, the international players are requested and encouraged to
establish relations with local industries not only for joint
manufacturing, but joint development and joint investment as well.
TurkMarin has consolidated experience in Turkish naval and defence
markets as well as shipbuilding sector. As such, the company offers
valuable market and business consultancy services to both local and
international players to help them achieve their business
As another flank of the recent policies, Turkish manufacturers,
designers and system integrators are incented to export their
products and services to foreign markets. TurkMarin successfully
acts as a value adding conciliator in between various players, both
foreign and local. The consultancy services provided include:
General Market Analyses,
Risk Analysis,
Contract Surveillance and Management Consultancy,
Local Partner Development for International Companies,
Due Diligence,
Investment Plan and Business Plan Consultancy,
Business Partnership Consultancy